
Wisteria Pruning

Jan/Feb is a good time to hard prune Wisterias, so you can enjoy its fantastic display of flowers in July/August.

Reduce the climber by pruning back all the long thin stems and reduce the congestion of the much thicker stems, so that it has plenty of room to show off the blooms, take the long thin stems back to two to three buds from the main stem, you basically want to reduce the entire size of your climber, and keep ALL the energy concentreted in the main part of the plant, by not pruning each year, the energy will be lost and the climber will keep on getting bigger and bigger, BUT if you reduce it’s size over all, you will have a much better display of blooms for the following Summer.

The mid Summer pruning of a Wisteria requires you to keep the plant in check and keep it tidy, by clipping back all the long tangly stems.

So to summerize, by pruning Wisterias, it’s all about keeping the energy in the main stem of the plant, and keep it tidy through out the rest of the growing season. so, hard pruning in Winter will give you better flowers.

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